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The Ultimate Web Based Enterprise-wide Report Distribution System
to Manage All of Your Report/Information Distribution Needs

Today’s businesses are highly information-centric, relying on the circulation of knowledge and data within the organization in an efficient and timely manner. However, even in today’s high-tech workplace with numerous tools at our disposal, this has still proven to be quite a challenge.

Your business may have already developed and established a number of applications and databases to generate vital business reports. It is likely that these reports are also being generated from a number of distinct systems within your organization. Add to that the complexity of company expansions, corporation mergers, or spin-offs to tackle new markets, and it is apparent the increasing difficulty in managing information amongst all of the entities involved.

CS-Link is a report/information distribution tool that enables companies to quickly establish a report distribution system using internet technology. More importantly, you will be able to leverage your existing indigenous reports from your current systems and distribute this information to those in your organization who need it the most.


Time to market is critical for any business. CS-Link can be quickly deployed into any company's existing environment in a matter of days. Existing systems and applications do not require reengineering and can be easily integrated into the CS-Link system. CS-Link's plug-and-play abilities will allow your company to acquire an immediate solution to your report distribution needs and can have an instantaneous impact on efficiencies throughout your organization.


We understand the monumental undertaking that would be involved in converting existing reporting systems to a common web-based approach. In fact, for most large organizations with multiple locations, this usually is not even feasible. The leveraging of existing reports, applications, data, schema, etc. is of utmost importance and supported by CS-Link. Gathering data from a variety of dissimilar and heterogeneous systems within the organization and filtering and distributing is easily accomplished by CS-Link.


CS-Link not only provides report/information distribution services, but also serves as a virtual data warehouse and archive. Data extracted for your business' key reports are linked and maintained on the CS-Link server. This means that the data being accessed from CS-Link is always the most current and accurate information.


CS-Link's implementation in a 3-tier internet architecture positions it as a web portal for all of your report distribution needs. This establishes a complete platform independence from your end users' perspective as all that is required for access is a web browser. Additionally, CS-Link has the ability to run batch processes from a variety of back-end systems running Unix, VMS, NT, AS400, etc. By allowing existing systems to maintain their current processing and applications, CS-Link is a solution that can be readily implemented and continually enhanced to meet your company's changing requirements.